Tuesday, October 07, 2014

It's still growing

Wow! Today is October 7 and still no frost! That's unusual, as this chart shows (source).

The weird thing is that they aren't predicting frost for the next week or so. But, things are winding down anyway. I picked the last of the beans from the side garden yesterday. It was enough for both Debbie and me—which means most people would consider it 4-6 servings : ) We like fresh green beans! I pulled the plants.

The runner beans are still going strong. I picked them yesterday and got enough for about 1/2 gallon freezer bag. They don't mind the cold as much as regular green beans do. But there are only about 3-4 blossoms on them. I figure I'll get one more picking out of them. My main concern is the ones that I left for seed; they aren't maturing as quickly as I had hoped. I need them for seed next year! I have a few seeds left, but I might need to buy some—horrors! : )

I also harvested the last of the potatoes yesterday. They didn't do as well as I had hoped, but I was basically growing them on gravel with a bit of soil mixed in. Next year I'll plant them in the new beds. But we still got enough to eat for a few months—probably through January. Last year we got into March, I think.

With the colder weather, the slugs have slowed down. But they still are attacking my tomatoes. Yesterday I found one eating a patty pan squash! I've never seen that before. He won't do that again! Squish!

Today I'm planning on setting out my cold frames, getting ready for spring. I'm not overwintering anything this year. I didn't plan ahead enough to get stuff going in time—and I'm not sure where to do it. Last year showed me where the drifts land—the whole backyard! And over 6 feet deep in spots. That puts a bit of a stop to accessibility, doesn't it? I'm going to check out the drifts and sun on the side garden. I'm still thinking maybe a hoop house over there...it definitely would need to be anchored solidly; the wind howls through there as it swoops down from the ridge to the lake. But if the sun hits it enough in December/January and the drifts go elsewhere, then maybe...

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